Thursday, April 29, 2010

Baby-sitting: A Blessing

   Knock, knock. Running feet. A four-year-old opening the door. "Hi, Lindsey" The three-year-old running up with a hug ready. "Hi Lindsey" Then the sound of the little just-turned-one feet coming around the corner with his arms held high. This is what greeted me yesterday, around 3 months after my first baby-sitting job. When I'm with these three, I see life through their eyes. The fun of the sandbox. The delicate balance between swinging high and being too far off the ground. And with this happiness, I firmly believe that every girl should baby-sit.

    Some girls say the don't have enough time. Some say they don't know how to watch a little kid but three? Forget it! A sad fact is that some girls even consider children a pain. What kind of Mothers will these girls be when they grow up? Will they know how to take care of a house or will they know how to cook? Babysitting is a good start.

    When baby-sitting, it prepares you to watch children. You might be a teacher someday, or a nurse, and you need to know how to take care of little children and know how to respond to their feelings. You also learn how to take care of a house with a baby on your hip and how to engage a toddler in a pick-up game. And then there's nap-time. You learn to prioritize during nap-time (or rest-time) and you will be amazed by how much you can get done!

    My favorite part of baby-sitting is bonding with the children you watch. It's so fun to walk into a room and see a little round face grinning at you through the bars of his crib. Just having the little ones hug you is cute. I love it when they're talking and then they glance up to make sure you're still listening. Yup. I'm still here. I love being accepted by children; they have such an innocent trust. 

    The blessings are so great when you baby-sit. You bless the mothers by giving them a bit of quiet in their otherwise-hectic days. You bless the children by giving them a new friend and by showing them you care. And you yourself are blessed, through blessing others. "It is more blessed to give then to receive"

    Mothers love to discover good Christian baby-sitters that they can trust and whom their precious children love. I adore my little 'children' and love being able to see them a lot. Don't you think you should give baby-sitting a try?

I wrote this for a school assignment at the end of March and thought I would share it with you all.

~Lindsey Marie

Monday, April 26, 2010

Positivity Please!

Quote from a four-year-old: "I LOOOOOOVE Spinach. I Love Spinach because it is healthy for you." That's my brother!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What it's all about...

Sometimes life gets busy.

You know the feeling when you feel as though there were things you should have done but didn't.

That book you wanted to finish.

That e-mail you wanted to send.

That closet you wanted to organize.

And what were you doing??

Writing for your blog. ;)

Watching TV.

Sleeping in. (I'm a firm believer in not sleeping in, as are my twin toddler sisters, but that's another story!)

So here I am, getting frustrated at myself for not getting done the "important" things.

But then I remember what really counts.


~Lindsey Marie

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Our Gardening Box

On Saturday my dad and a few of my siblings built our garden box. We are hoping to grow some vegetables this summer. So keep checking for some pictures!
The box is 6' by 4'

They drilled lots of holes in the bottom for water to escape.

I hope everyone has been enjoying this blog. I have a few book reviews I've started and some other goodies for you all. Keep checking back!


Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday's Positivity!

I'm positive today because it is only a few weeks before my math class ends!!!!  Hooray!!

And summer break's almost here.

And because I'm online so early today.

AND because I got my bread done early this morning so no one will be hungry at lunch! I remembered today!!! Yaay!

It's your turn now! BE POSITIVE!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rhubarb Crunch

This blog was started to share recipes and other creative things with you, so here is the first recipe!!!! Yaaaay!

Got any frozen rhubarb in your freezer? My family does. And I just finished making some delicious rhubarb crunch from it!

Here's the recipe. Remember please, that I am the dishwasher in our family, so when I cook, I reuse as many dishes as I can! Now let's begin.

It would probably be best if you set your oven at 375 at this time. I always forget until later, but it would probably be easier if you set it now! Also, unlike me, you could check to make sure you have all the ingredients! That would probably be a good idea...

First, (or second if you set the oven), grab a medium to large size bowl and pour 4 cups of chopped rhubarb, 3 tbl. of flour, and 1 cup of sugar into the bowl. Mix it up. (By the way, if your rhubarb is frozen like mine is, thaw it a little, but don't worry about it being COMPLETELY thawed. It doesn't matter). The rhubarb should be covered with the mixture, but will probably have extra mix laying on the bottom of the bowl.

Pour this rhubarb mix into a 13 by 9 pan. Push it evenly along the bottom. Next, using the same bowl as used before :-), mix ,(using a pastry cutter if you like), together 1 1/2 cup of flour, 1 cup of brown sugar, 1/2 cup of butter, 1/2 cup of shortening, and 1 cup of oatmeal together. This will make a crumbly mixture that you cover the rhubarb with. Do not worry if the mixture is sticky or non-crumbly, it should still work the same.

After crumbling the stuff on top, stick it in your oven for 20 minutes. (If you waited til now to set the oven, look above for the temperature!!)

When it comes out, the top should be slightly brown and a knife poked in should slide easily through the rhubarb pieces.

This is not a finger food. It is soupyish on the bottom and will require a plate, spoon, and napkin. But it's great! mmmmm...

Friday, April 16, 2010


Today I leave my childhood behind.

Today this poem becomes my motto.

Today I reach a milestone.

Today I start a new part of my life.

Today I walk through a new door,

And shut the old one behind me.

Today I stay myself,

But a new part of me opens up.

What will this next phase bring?

Only time, and the next six years, will tell.

Today I pledge to strengthen my relationship with God.

Today I will make a difference.

Today I get a glimpse of the future.

Today I turn thirteen.

With all my Love,
Lindsey Marie

Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm feeling positive because...

Sometimes it's hard to be positive. Things aren't going right and you just want to scream, (if you're me ;-), but then there are the other days that are amazing and wonderful and you feel like running in the grass and laughing, and acting nuts, (again if you're me!).

Today, Monday, be positive. Don't let your negative thoughts spoil the day. Enjoy the weather, bad or good, be patient, and be positive!!!!!

Why am I positive today? Because spring is on the way and, even though we've recently had cold weather visiting again, I can feel that spring is almost back. The beautiful flowers, the budding trees, the soft dirt, and the air. It's refreshing.

Be postive! Spring is on it's way!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

There IS a Creator!

These pictures I took during some of our family walks.  There really IS a Creator!!! How could we have a blog about creativity and not mention the greatest Creator of all?  We can't.  For more information about God creating the earth please see Answers in Genesis.

On to the pictures!

I hope to post more pictures of this wonderful world. I LOVE looking at pictures of nature. If you mention waterfall, lake or flowers I'm looking!

Come back tomorrow for a Positivity post by Emily!


Monday, April 5, 2010

I'm Positive Because...

I'm positive on this wonderful Monday because over 90 people were baptized at my church yesterday. Praise the LORD! Two of my sisters were part of the ninety. It was amazing to watch!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Positivity Please!

Staying Positive.

Looking on the Bright Side.

Half Full.

It's something everyone could work on. Most of us anyway. But sometimes it's hard to find things to be positive about!

The winter, for example. How many times during the winter do you hear people say,

"Ugh. Another snowstorm? I despise snow!" etc.etc.etc.

I'm not condemning anyone, in fact, I'm guilty of this myself! (Workin' on it, k?) Keep reading!

I'm sure you're familiar with Genesis 1. What does the Bible say after God creates everything?

"It was very good."

That means snow is very good.

Slushy roads are very good.

Black Ice is very good. (okay, maybe not. But you get the picture.)

So every Monday, (Because Monday is the hardest day to be positive on) Emily or I will post something we're feelin' positive about.  You, in turn, post something positive.

On your blog.

On your Facebook.

Or in a comment below.

Let's help positivity fly around the whole World Wide Web because God gave us so much to be positive about!
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