Staying Positive.
Looking on the Bright Side.
Half Full.
It's something everyone could work on. Most of us anyway. But sometimes it's hard to find things to be positive about!
The winter, for example. How many times during the winter do you hear people say,
"Ugh. Another snowstorm? I despise snow!" etc.etc.etc.
I'm not condemning anyone, in fact, I'm guilty of this myself! (Workin' on it, k?) Keep reading!
I'm sure you're familiar with Genesis 1. What does the Bible say after God creates everything?
"It was very good."
That means snow is very good.
Slushy roads are very good.
Black Ice is very good. (okay, maybe not. But you get the picture.)
So every Monday, (Because Monday is the hardest day to be positive on) Emily or I will post something we're feelin' positive about. You, in turn, post something positive.
On your blog.
On your Facebook.
Or in a comment below.
Let's help positivity fly around the whole World Wide Web because God gave us so much to be positive about!
Good Bye
13 years ago
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